How To Choose The Right Colour For Any Room

So, you’ve decided it’s time to paint one of the rooms in your home. You head out to the paint store with a clear picture in your head of what you want the room to look like when it’s finished. As you begin looking through all the colors and brands of paint available, a panic sets in. Which one do you choose? Before you go off the deep end trying to figure out which shade of green is just right, read these four tips to help you select the perfect color.

Choose The Paint Colour Last
When painting a room, it’s best to consider the other décor and furniture in the room first. Maybe there’s a shade of green in the area rug that’s exactly what you were picturing. If you’re painting an empty room, wait until you’ve chosen all the furniture and other accessories before choosing the paint colour. After all, it’s much easier to match an existing area rug than it is to find an area rug that coordinates perfectly with the colour green you’ve painted the walls.

Don’t Rely On The Paint Chip
Most people take a few paint chips home to see which colour they like best. Unfortunately, these small samples are too tiny to give an accurate depiction of the colour. Instead of trusting the paint chip, take actual paint samples home, paint a larger area of the wall, and decide based on that.

Give It A Few Days
Once you’ve painted your sample colours on the wall, give it a few days of observation before making a final decision. Make sure to look at the sample during the daylight hours as well as at night. Observe the sample with the curtains opened and closed. By checking the colour in all types of light, you’ll find out if you really like the colour and what kind of adjustments (lighter or darker), if any, it needs to be just right.

Thinking White?
If you think trying to decide on a colour is tough, wait until you have to choose the perfect shade of white. Whites in their various hues are a great choice for woodwork and trim because they make your colours pop. If you paint your walls a cool colour like blue, purple, or gray; use a bright, crisp white for the trim. If your walls are of the warmer variety such as red, orange, or yellow, opt for a softer, duller shade of white.

Painting a room in your home is a great way to give it a fresh look. Choosing the right color can be a little overwhelming, but with the above tips in mind, you should be able to select the right colour for any room in your home.

- Justin