"When you hand good people possiblity, they do great things" - Biz Stone

I wasn't such a big fan of 2020.  

There's no denying .... it was a bitch of a year.    
We've all been hit by the pandemic.  In different ways.  Some harder than others.  

We are parents that are trying to navigate this journey with all age kids.  

We're partners who are supporting and living with front line workers.  

We're people who have lost or know friends who have lost loved ones.  

They've been covid scares, and sighs of relief.    

Also tears, anger and anxiety.

Lots of mask wearing and hand sanitizing.  

Too much binge watching Netflix, Crave and Prime.  

BUT in dealing with all that's been thrown at us, we have had some good news.  Our hard work has paid off.   
You hear all the time, especially this time of year, agents talking about their past year!  They made the top 1-2-3% of realtors here and there...

We made it too!  We are the top 2% of realtors in our board.  Does that really matter?  NO!!  It really doesn't!!

What matters is what we did to get there.  And what it means for my clients...

In early 2020, just as Covid took it's seat at the table,  we took a huge jump forward when everyone was stepping back.
We put our money where our mouth was and hired coaching to begin learning the intricacies of high level online marketing in order to advertise our clients listings more effectively.

We began implementing systems that would streamline our services and make the client experience even better.  

We worked our butt's off as a team to encourage growing relationships with our clients long term instead of short term transactional relationships.

This "award" isn't about us.  It's about you.  And how we took steps to serve you better.  

Here's to a great 2021!!
