Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

C l i e n t …a six-letter word.

But this word means so much to us. Without our clients, we’re nothing.

Not so eloquently, I tried to express how I felt after our recent client event on IG stories. To say that celebrating our incredible clients left me on a high is an understatement.

You always go into organizing events praying that at least a few people show up.

I remember doing a client event with a team I was on, years ago. They had booked a venue in downtown Burlington. There were platters of food sitting on tables waiting to be devoured by our hungry guests!!!

One couple turned up!!!! It was so awkward.

So I always vowed from that day to do everything I can to create an event that a) clients would enjoy and b) build relationships with my clients so that it would be more like friends coming to my party!!!!

But despite people RSVPing yes never know until they show.

This event ended up being more of a success than I could ever hope for.

My voice was hoarse and my heart was completely full.

As I took a second to look around the room, all I saw were friends. Some were old friends, most were newer.
My team and I were hugging our guests as they arrived.

Somewhere between helping them with their real estate stuff and now, our relationship has changed. Morphed into something way more special than realtor/client.

So I want to say another BIG THANK YOU!!!! To all our friends that showed up for us. For what’s going to be the first of many client nights?

We get to choose whom we work with but at the same time, our clients get to choose too. 

And we’re grateful and honored that you chose us!!

Note: 🙏🏻Thanks to GameTime Social Burlington, The Pose Photo Booth Company, and Snapscene Photography for hosting and capturing our amazing night.

- Justin