Scents To Use When Selling Your Home

The sense of smell can sway a homebuyer when it comes to spending time in a space during an open house or a private showing. When preparing your home for sale, you need to remove the sources of bad odor first. Bad smells that deter buyers include cooked food, home appliances, clothing and shoes, pets, smoke and mold – even dusty air vents can cause put a stank face on homebuyers.

It’s important for you to be honest with yourself about the smells in your home and take care of the root cause of the stink, rather than simply masking the smell.

Once the source of the bad odor has been addressed, make sure the space smells clean during private showings and open houses.


A clean smell and a deodorized smell are two different things. Pulling out scented candles and plug-ins or preparing baked cookies may smell nice to some, but others may think you’re masking a smell or could find the scent appalling. Even worse, the scent could distract the buyer’s ability to make a decision.

Step 1 is to take the time to clean the entire home from top to bottom.  This will make a huge impact in the scent of your home. By cleaning regularly, you are staying on top of stale, musty air that can linger in the home.

Step 2 is to maintain that clean smell.  Use simple scents such as citrus, herbs, vanilla, pine and cedar, and you can diffuse these fragrances, use candles, reed diffusers, simmer pots or potpourri.  All of these will provide a delicate, fresh fragrance.  

JL Realty Group 