The #1 Reason For Firing Your Realtor

We live in an age where we all have cell phones.  Our parents., kids and grandkids.   

I think we can all agree that our phones can take some bloody great pictures.  

That being said, if your realtor intends to take your listing pictures with their cell phone, tell them to GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!

Why? ?

Firstly, they are trying to save money.  It's cheaper for them if they take the pictures instead of a professional.  

And that’s a problem because more than 90% of home buyers start their house hunting online.  

They won’t even get out of the car to see your home until they have checked it out online. 

So if the pics of your home online are not bright and professional, people will  just keep scrolling.  

??So before you pick your agent, google them.  
??Check out their website. Take a look at their online presence.  How do their listing pictures look? 
??Do they look professional?  

If they look like they have been taken with a cell phone, you need to scroll to the next agent and find someone who will market your home properly.
