Sounds like the start of a joke, right?
Nope, it’s our team hang out!!!
Our team is made up of some fantastic “formers”!!
- A former sales manager for a video game company.
- A former retail assistant.
- A former lawyer.
- A former model.
- A former bartender.
- A former Ford Motor assembly line worker.
- A former restaurant manger.
- A former prison guard!!!
Yes we have someone on our team who can literally build you a car!!!!!
My point is ..... there’s more to any story than meets the eye!
Our team is a rich tapestry of humans with incredible stories!
And by “we” that includes you, too.
Our clients and the community are a big part of everything we do!
We’re all more than what we do to make money.
Let’s hear your “former” stories!!
What was your first proper grown up job ?
I love a good origin story!
- Justin